29 September, 2008 - 3 komentar

Just a tought

I think i need a lot of holiday..not just neary holiday but out from Bali, Jakarta, Malang, Bandung, Surabaya, Lombok, you name it..i just want to go out from Bali..Just for a while please..
I got my job more..more..more..[not paramore okeyh..hihihi] borring, what do you expect from your job??offcourse a JOB right?but i'm not..im doing nothing..my job is doing nothing...

See..at 08.00 am i arrived at my office and then turning on my old office computer, open the folder that i've checking it for thousand times, and then finish. If i said finish it means the time is 08.30 am. And the rest of time im doing as if i have a lot of work to do [hahaha..gotcha!] until the lunch time. After the lunch time at 1.30 pm i'm playing solitaire or freecell [thats the only game i have on my computer] and then at 02.00 pm the sleepy aura has come and make me sleep..not real sleep ya [how can you sleep while in ur front desk there's another person watching you??] i call it chicken sleep [hihihi..ngaco bener...]. And after that i'm doing as if i have lot of work to do again until 05.00pm and then go home.

U may say, that's a great work..u pay for doing nothing!thats what all the people want, get a lot of money but doing less..Yes that's right but not in this office. If i work like that, i prefer doing nothing and cant go out from my room at home, but in my office if im doing nothing its mean really doing nothing [its too much 'doing nothing' sentence in here]

No internet in my office [absolutely there's a dial up internet in my office but just in the server computer and if you connect the internet it means no fax can enter], you know i'm addict with internet, i can't live without touching with cyber world. Thanks God i've a phonecell that can fillfull my needs [thanks for my SE k660i, but with stupid gprs connection]

I guess i'll resign for this job but after find a new job first. Well, for my fresh graduate like me, i won't stuck just in one job right??so..if you have any job vacancies for me..tell me as soon as possible yaa...

3 komentar:

ranii mahardika 9/29/2008 11:19 PM

hoyy , honeyy ...

please dun be sad .
just enjoy it , before u've resign and then find the new one . u may won't find an extra time there :)


cheers ,

No Name 9/30/2008 4:13 PM

Put, aq turut prihatin dengan kerjaanmu. Hiks :'( Mungkin lebih baik kmu nyari kerjaan yg lebih menantang kali ya. Semangat bu! Kalo ada info akan saya kabari. Semangat! :)

Rurie 11/11/2008 5:50 AM

sini sini holiday....disambut ama badai, hawa dingin, hujan, mendung...hahaha

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